Little Mona: The Pharaoh Hound

Skip Your Latte for a Day Fundraiser

About 5 months ago, a little red dog ended up in a rural Florida shelter. Because of her oversized, adorable ears, she was adopted right away. She had a home for about 5 months.

A few weeks ago, the shelter’s ACO (Animal Control Officer) was out on a call for a welfare check (someone had called in a case of suspected cruelty….it never ends) when Mona came limping out from the bushes.

The ACO scooped her up and asked the home owner what happened. The owner claimed Mona wasn’t hers, despite evidence to the contrary. The ACO knew an abuse case when she saw one, so she carried Mona away from there. She also took a second dog she found wandering around as well. That dog had a home ear cropping job, animal cruelty at its worst.

Every inch of both dogs was covered in fleas. They were skinny, hungry and thirsty. It took the shelter director over an hour to comb away Mona’s fleas. The vet declared Mona’s leg broken. They splinted it as best they could on their limited resources.

X-Port Paws was told by the Director that Mona was a love bug. She wanted only to snuggle and be with her humans. How anyone could harm her is a mystery. She was just sitting in the shelter, waiting for a miracle. Everyone who met her, fell in love with her. She’s that rare dog who’s beautiful, well -behaved and very adoptable. But she needed to get fixed first.

I don’t like to ask for money. My friends have always been so kind and generous without me annoying them for dinero…but….I’m asking for Mona. She was taken to an orthopedic veterinary surgeon where, here’s the good news, it was determined that her leg was broken in there different places (she was most likely abused by someone). The bad news is she has a bone infection. She needed emergency surgery. She came out of surgery with rods sticking out of her leg, wrapped in tons of gauze and a cone that’s bigger than her big ears. Her prognosis is guarded, but good. X-Port Paws put a down payment on the surgery and we are now on the hook for the rest.

After a banner year of the shelters emptying out during the Covid crisis, we are once again, overwhelmed with dogs. Dogs everywhere. Shelter kennels are full. There are dogs in crates in offices, in hallways, in storage closets…everywhere you can look. Dogs in ditches, in fields, under houses, wandering the city streets, eating out of dumpsters. Mamma dogs having puppies in landfills. Dogs roaming and wandering aimlessly everywhere. Shelter workers are taking home more dogs than they should have to. Adoptions are down and every day, more and more come in.

I’m sipping my upside down, ridiculously overpriced, double caramel macchiato with almond milk, no whip, while I type this, I’m also thinking that if all my friends and contacts skipped their coffee tomorrow and donated towards Mona’s surgery, we could continue to save more. I know it’s a big ask and I’m not even offering anything in return- unless you love the feel good feeling you’ll get from this and the fact that you’ve helped a little Pharaoh Hound and more like her.

What do you say, rescue Warrior Amazing People? Will you skip your latte for a day this week to help us help Mona?

XPP thanks you, Mona thanks you and the Rescue Universe thanks you as well!