Lisa Ray

Can anyone imagine what it must feel like to be a part of a home, to be a loved family member for 10 years, and just when you need family around you the most, to get cruelly dumped at a shelter?  And that shelter is a kill- for- space- shelter?  Can you even begin to fathom what living in a cramped steel and concrete cage, surrounded by strange sounds and smells must do to one’s psyche ?  Well, just ask Lisa Ray, a senior pit bull who had to live through that nightmare for two months.

Lisa Ray was left to die at the shelter.  Shelter Staff makes decisions like this every day.  They evaluate what a dog’s chances are of getting adopted.  If they deem the dog too old, too sick, too shut down and or too “pittie,” the chances of her making it through the front door are virtually non -existent.  You’ve all seen the countless “LAST CALL SOS WILL BE KILLED ON x/xx/xxxx!” posted on social media. Well, that was our girl Lisa Ray.

Lisa Ray was your typical dog stuck in shelters across the country.  She’s a large headed, fawn colored, big-boned girl.  She’s old.  She’d lived her whole life in a home and when she got to the shelter, she began to shut down.  Confused, depressed and scared out of her mind, she was just waiting to die.

Enter a Very Good Samaritan, who saw her and began advocating for her.  Together with the backing of a rescue, they worked to make sure that Lisa Ray wouldn’t become yet another grim statistic.   Lisa Ray’s plight was posted and pledges were made.  A few weeks ago, Lisa Ray walked through the front door of that shelter, with her foster, on her way to a much  deserved pup cup and a miraculous second chance.

Lisa Ray settled in nicely at her foster’s home.  She once again slept on a bed.  She once again knew what it was to be loved.  She once again was able to feel the grass under her feet and the sun on her face.  If only every dog in her situation was this lucky.

This post is not just about awareness, but to also to ask for help.  Lisa Ray finally got spayed, and it was detected during surgery, that she has liver issues as well as mammary tumors.  The percentage of the pledges collected (there are those who are still honoring their pledges and for that we thank you- they’re needed more than ever!) will not fully cover her medical needs.  Can anyone out there spare anything towards helping Lisa Ray become fully healthy?

Team Lisa Ray thanks all of you who pledged, honored, are still honoring and are willing to help a little bit more.  This sweet girl literally stared down that dark abyss and pulled away.  For however long she has left, would you please consider helping  make sure that her time is pain free?

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts and to the tips of our paws.

Giant WOOF!