A Black Lab Named Snow

A Black Lab Named Snow and the Glass is Half Full Fundraiser

How can you not love a black Lab named “Snow?”  Snow is a gorgeous boy.  He was adopted out of a high kill shelter at only 12 weeks of age.  His owner, I’ll call him James, held him in his arms and as they were walking out, they saw someone surrendering a white and black female pit puppy named April.  Both Snow and his owner knew that it was meant to be that they add April to their little family.

Full disclosure:  April and Snow, two good dogs need our help.  Their happy beginning almost didn’t have a happy ending… and it’s not over yet.

The last time I blogged and asked for donations was over a year and a half ago and your kindness and generosity saved the life, not to mention, covered some major dental work, for a little senior dog named Mason.  He is still living his best life and I am still forever grateful to all of you, who donated and exceeded the necessary amount.

You know how there are two kinds of people in this world- the Glass Half Full and the Glass Half Empty People?  Well, I am an annoying Half Full person.  My husband Lou, however, is more the pragmatist and is more of a Half Empty Person.  Which is why we work, he grounds me and I make him see the possibilities.  So when I came across these two dogs in need, I immediately went into Half Full Mode.

Snow and April were living their best lives with James, until he was recently deported.  Desperate to not take them to a shelter, because we all know that a black dog and pit owner surrender will not make it out the front door  (they’ll be given three days at the most), James reached out to a good friend whom I’ll call Amanda.   She agreed to take in the dogs.  James, in another country now, walks three miles every week to a place where he can get WiFI to get updates and pictures on Snow and April.  He misses them horribly and worries for their safety.

Amanda promised to take care of April and Snow and would have kept her promise, but her landlord told her that 1) he didn’t allow dogs over 50 lbs  (Snow is 69 lbs) and 2) didn’t allow Pits of any weight (breed discrimination).  So once again, Snow and April were at risk of being taken to a shelter.  Amanda reached out to someone, who reached out to someone else, who told a friend, who told another friend and somehow, my rescue warriors and I caught wind of this sad story, because the rescue universe is far reaching.

We’ve spent the last 48 hours calling, texting, emailing, begging, pleading, crying and doing everything in our powers to save these guys.  And I think we did, although until the pups are at their destination, I’ll hold off on celebrating.  Somehow, rescues up north, fosters and transports miraculously lined up and with a little more luck, soon April and Snow will be on their way to their second forever home.

This motley crew of assorted Rescue Warriors are looking to raise the necessary transport fees, $50.00 for April and $35 for Snow.  Yes, block- headed dogs cost more to transport.  Anything we raise above and beyond the $85 will go towards their food and board at the rescue up north.  We’re asking that you consider looking at the rescue of Snow and April as not an exercise in futility, but as a blue print for what we can do when we believe we can.  We know that this year has been a difficult one, but if just some of my 763 friends on FB and Instagram give a little towards their transportation and boarding at a safe shelter, it would go a long way towards getting the goofy couch potato Snow and his charming sidekick April to the Great North.

So right now, take a good long look at your fur babies, safe and comfortable in your home.  Can you imagine their lives falling apart through no fault of their own?  I’m sure they’d want to help Snow and April!

A giant thank you from this whole chain of rescue that lined up to save the pups.  I’ve been asked to keep names and places out of this blog, so I apologize for not making it more specific.   Please know that each and every one of us is beyond grateful.

Thank you!  xo Woof!

**  SIDE NOTE:    As of this writing and rescue, a third dog, a red nose, 2 year old Pit named Sam will be transported as well. As is often the case, when you start lining up rescues, other dog (s) will materialize who are also in need (it never ends….)

Sam was dropped off at a boarding and never picked up. The woman boarding him, I’ll call her Roberta, helped us coordinate Snow and April’s transport and brought Sam to our attention.  Your donations will get three dogs to a better life.  Somehow, thank you isn’t quite enough.

Happy Thanksgiving!