How our process works

While no two rescues are identical, there is a process we try to follow. These are the basic steps of a basic rescue. Some rescues are more complicated, like a medical or behavioral rescue. Sometimes we make a plan, then need to re-evaluate and make adjustments.  

Tag & Pull Dog

X-Port Paws identifies a dog in need of rescue and pulls him from the dangerous situation.

Assessment & Intake

The dog is placed with a foster family or boarding facility while we assess his medical and behavioral needs.


Once the dog has received any necessary medical or behavioral treatment, he is transported to a rescue organization for adoption!

Every dog, regardless of breed, deserves the dignity of a good home, to be loved every day, and to be with someone who cherishes them.



Once a dog is identified by us as needing rescue, we “tag and pull” him. “Tagging” a dog simply means that we’ve identified that dog as ours, and that keeps him safe from being put down (usually). He enters the XPP system.  

The next step is “pulling” the dog, which means we get the dog out of the dangerous situation. For example, if someone makes us aware that there’s a dog on a kill list, we then make arrangements to get him out, thus, “pulling” him from the shelter removing him from the streets, fields, mountains, parking lots, etc.



From the moment we agree to take a dog into the X-Port Paws family, we first assess what he needs.  We then try to get a really good idea of his behavior. 

The dog is taken to a vet, examined and given a full set of shots, microchipping, spay/neuter, deworming, bathing, preventatives or whatever else he needs.

After the initial “intake,” we either find a foster or a boarding facility where he can stay until we have a commitment from a rescue. Once at foster or boarding, we ask that whoever is in charge of him report back to us with a personality assessment.  Is the dog friendly, shy, good with other dogs, cats, people, kids, etc.?



After his medical and personality assessment are complete, we then determine where he can go. We determine which rescues like that type of dog, or where that type of dog will do best- where he has his best chance of getting adopted.   We then ask our rescue partners if they’ll “take” him.

When we have a rescue commit, the next step is to secure a transport. We then coordinate with the foster/boarding facility, transporter and receiving rescue when the dog can travel.  He then needs to go back to the vet for a Health Certificate.

Once the dog hits the receiving rescue, he’s quarantined and then put up for adoption.  We ask for updates and pictures.  

happily ever after

The final step is that we breath a sigh of relief, celebrate his freedom, put his name on our “Save List,” and move on to the next one!

Make A Donation

100% goes to the rescue and care of dogs in need.

Foster A Rescue

House a dog while we find a forever home.

See Our Process

Learn about the X-Port Paws process

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